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Project management objectives and construction organization  
On-site construction and installation program ---- management system and site organization
1. Management objectives
1.1 Quality objectives: 100 percent acceptance rate once of installation project.
1.2 Schedule goal: enter site for construction in batches according to customer site conditions, ensure timely completion.
1.3 Security objectives: ensure no accidents, fatalities are forbidden.
1.4 Civilized construction goals: CI image meets company standards.
2. Site management organization
The project construction management is led by the Deputy General Manager, who appointed excellent management staff with the same type of project management experience to form the project leading group. Under the leadership of the company, we shall make the overall advantages of business into full play. We shall operate according to company management mode and quality assurance system established as GB/T19001-ISO9001 standard model, form a scientific management system with total quality management as center, combination of professional management and computer management system, efficiently assemble and optimize enterprise and social production factors, as to achieve my company’s quality policy and quality objectives as well as Party A's commitment.
In order to regulate the management of this project, the site leadership team will implement Management Manual, Quality Assurance Handbook and CI Workbook issued by the company.
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