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Quality assurance
Customer service
    Quality assurance
After-sale service regulations:
1. 15 full-time after-sales maintenance personnel have undergone rigorous training in professional skills and professional ethics with professional level of maintenance. They can make timely response to customer’s maintenance requirements.
2. All products have quality warranty period of five years. Five years of free repair and lifetime maintenance.
3. The project’s after-sale service team is responsible by special person arranged by the factory. (after-sales engineering staff pass EHS assessment).
4. For emergency repair services, we are committed to: special staff will arrive at the scene within this city in 2-3 hours, lifting clients’ fear of disturbance in the rear.
5. Address of Beijing after-sales service department: A-503Room Fesco edifice, building, No.15 Xidawang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.  Free service phone 4006 -120-340
6. Outside of product warranty period, our company will regularly call or pay home visit. Record the visit to Customer Profiles. Provide maintenance and repair in agreed time.
7. Regular service: every four weeks; in the fifth week, the designated business manager will pay home service or telephone visit.
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